Importing Assets From a Spreadsheet

2 years ago

You can import your Assets from a spreadsheet into ExhibitDay. The Asset Import tool can be accessed via the dropdown…

Keeping Track of Your Giveaways at Events

2 years ago

You can track your giveaways (like swag and raffle items) at tradeshows by adding them under the event "Giveaways" tab.…

Images for Assets

2 years ago

You can upload up to 5 images for each asset. Use the "Edit Images" link on the asset page in…

Actual Costs for Events

2 years ago

Actual costs for a given event can be viewed under the "Actual Costs" section of the Event "Budget" tab. Actual…

Copy / Duplicate Travel Reservations

2 years ago

You can easily create a copy of an existing travel reservation (under the event travel tab). To create a duplicate…

Sharing Assets Between Your Workspaces (for multi-workspace configurations)

2 years ago

If you have a multi-workspace configuration (offered under the ExhibitDay Enterprise plan), you can share Assets between your ExhibitDay workspaces.…

Travel Reservations: Multi-select and Bulk Export / Delete

2 years ago

You can selectively choose multiple travel reservations to export or delete. In order to enable multi-select, click on the multi-select…

Tracking Event Attendee Registration Information

2 years ago

You can track event registration information for your staff who attend your events (under the "Registration / Ticket info" section…

Event Custom Date/Time Fields

2 years ago

You can now add custom Date/Time fields to the "Info" and "Booth" tabs of your Events in ExhibitDay. Custom Date/Time…

Rich Text Editor for Event Fields

2 years ago

Rich text editing is now available for the following fields in ExhibitDay: Event Notes, Booth Notes, Multi-line Custom Fields, Booth…