Product Updates / News

Travel Reservations: Multi-select and Bulk Export / Delete

You can selectively choose multiple travel reservations to export or delete. In order to enable multi-select, click on the multi-select…

2 years ago

Tracking Event Attendee Registration Information

You can track event registration information for your staff who attend your events (under the "Registration / Ticket info" section…

2 years ago

Event Custom Date/Time Fields

You can now add custom Date/Time fields to the "Info" and "Booth" tabs of your Events in ExhibitDay. Custom Date/Time…

2 years ago

Rich Text Editor for Event Fields

Rich text editing is now available for the following fields in ExhibitDay: Event Notes, Booth Notes, Multi-line Custom Fields, Booth…

2 years ago

Copying Tasks From Another Event

You can add tasks to your events by copying tasks from other events. In order to copy tasks from another…

3 years ago

Personalization of the Event Calendar View: Color-Coding by Event Participation Type

You can personalize the colors of the calendar entries for your Events in ExhibitDay. Different color codes can be selected…

3 years ago

Adding a Description for Exhibit Hall and Booth Setup/Dismantle Dates and Times

You can now specify a 'Description' for each Date/Time entry listed under the Exhibit Hall and Booth Setup/Dismantle sections of…

3 years ago

Event Playbook: Changing the Number of Days Prior to the Event Start Date and After the Event End Date

The Event Playbook can be used to create a schedule of various sessions and activities throughout the event (e.g., conference…

3 years ago

Tagging Asset Reservations in Shipments

Asset reservations can now be tagged in Shipments for your Events in ExhibitDay. Tagging a Reservation Once you have made…

4 years ago

Specifying the Check-in (Return to Storage) for Collateral and Multi-Quantity Asset Reservations

You can now specify a Check-in/Return Date for Collateral and Multi-Quantity Asset reservations in ExhibitDay. When reserving a Collateral/Multi-Quantity Asset…

4 years ago