Product Updates / News

Importing Events from a Spreadsheet

We just released the ability to Bulk Upload your events in ExhibitDay. Bulk Upload From a Spreadsheet To upload your…

4 years ago

Following Storage Locations to get Notified about Asset Reservations

We just released the ability to Follow your Storage Locations in ExhibitDay (in order to get notified about Asset Reservations).…

5 years ago

Event Layout Settings

We just released the ability to customize the layout for your events by hiding the tabs that are not needed…

5 years ago

Planning Virtual Events

While some trade shows are postponed or canceled indefinitely in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, others are going digital. With…

5 years ago

More Attachments!

You can now attach any number of files to Tasks, Sponsorships, Playbook Scheduled Items, and Booth Services in ExhibitDay. To…

5 years ago

The Activity Feed

We are excited to announce the release of the Activity Feed module in ExhibitDay. You can now view recent activity…

5 years ago

Tagging Users as Contributors of Tasks, plus, other Enhancements

We just released the following ExhibitDay enhancements. Task Contributors You can now tag users as 'Contributors' of a task in…

5 years ago

Event Star Ratings, Plus, Other Enhancements

We just released the following ExhibitDay enhancements. Event Star Ratings Some events are worth going back to year-after-year; others are…

5 years ago

Custom Event Participation Types (for Trade Shows that are canceled, postponed, etc.)

In addition to the default event participation types ('Considering Attending', 'Committed', and 'Not Going'), you can now add up to…

5 years ago

A Few More ExhibitDay Enhancements

We recently made the following Enhancements to ExhibitDay: Travel Reservation File Attachments In addition to the reservation invoice, you can…

5 years ago