Announcement Messages on Event Tabs

Available under the ExhibitDay Enterprise plan, event tab announcements are brief messages that you can place at the top of various tabs of a given event. These messages can be used to convey information about the event itself or special instructions for a given tab to users in your ExhibitDay workspace when they view the tab.


  1. You can add an announcement to the top of the “Event Information” tab with the message: “As a Gold sponsor of the event, we get access to meeting rooms A, B, and C during exhibit hall hours.”
  2. You can add an announcement to the “Travel Reservations” tab with the message: “In case of reservation issues or a mix-up, please call the Travel Agency directly — (800) 555-1212”

Adding An Announcement Message

Announcements messages can be added to event tabs from the “Announcements” section of the “Event Settings” tab of a given event.

Add Announcement to Event

Note: Any announcement message that you add to a tab of a particular event appears for that event only; it will not appear for other events in your workspace.

Viewing Announcement Messages on Event Tabs

Once an announcement has been added to an event tab, it will appear at the top of the tab you placed it on. All of the users in your workspace (who have access to that tab) will see the announcement when they visit that particular tab of that particular event.

Travel Announcement Message

When you copy/duplicate an event, all announcement messages for the event will also get copied over to the new event. So, for future events that require the same announcement messages, you can simply make a copy of an event with the desired announcement messages.

The Special Event Tab

Offered under the ExhibitDay Enterprise plan, the Special event tab is a custom tab that you can enable for your events. Once enabled, you’ll get one extra tab in all your events (in addition to the standard event tabs that ExhibitDay provides).

Under the Special tab, you can create a set of custom fields (textboxes, dropdowns, date/time fields, attachments, etc.). For example, you can enable the Special tab and name it “Important Deadlines” (in order to keep track of a set of meaningful and significant dates for your events). Or, you can name it “Links & Resources” and use it to track information about your suppliers and third-party providers for each event.

You can get to the Special Event Tab settings by going to Workspace Settings > Workspace Customizations > Customize the Special Event Tab.

Customize Special Event Tab

Special Tab Settings

You can configure the settings for your Special event tab under the “Special Tab Settings” section. There, you have the option to enable or disable the Special event tab. You can also set the name of the tab and specify where (on the event page tab strip) the Special tab should appear.

Special Tab Settings

Adding Fields to the Special Tab

Under the “Special Tab Fields” section, you can specify the fields you’d like to have included in your Special event tab. You can choose from any of the standard custom fields available in ExhibitDay (Text, URL, Date/Time, Dropdown control, and File Attachment).

The order in which custom fields appear here is the same order in which they will appear on your Special tab when viewing the tab on your event pages. If you’d like to change the order any field (i.e., move it up/down on the list), grab-and-drag its handle (on the right side of the screen) up or down the list.

Adding Fields to the Special Tab

The Special Tab on the Event Page

If your Special event tab is marked as Enabled, you’ll see the tab show up on your Event pages. The Special tab will be placed on the Event page tab strip based on the Placement setting that you specify in the “Special Tab Settings” section.

Special Event Tab

User Permissions for the Special Tab

If your Special event tab is marked as Enabled, when you edit any of the users in your workspace (under Workspace Settings > Users & Permissions), you’ll have the option to specify if they should have access to the Special event tab. The Special tab permissions for Team Members appears as the last item under the “Event Management” section of the list of permissions. The Special tab permission for Guests appears toward the bottom of the list of permissions (3rd from the bottom).

Note: by default, when you enable the Special tab, all users in your workspace will have access to the tab — users marked as Admins or Team Members will have view and update access, and users marked as Guest will have view access.

Special Tab User Permissions

Sharing Assets Between Your Workspaces (for multi-workspace configurations)

If you have a multi-workspace configuration (offered under the ExhibitDay Enterprise plan), you can share Assets between your ExhibitDay workspaces.

What is a Shared Asset?

A shared asset is any asset that has been shared with another workspace. When an asset is shared with another workspace, it can get reserved for events in that workspace (via the Event “Asset Reservations” tab of the workspace it is shared with).

How do I share an Asset with another workspace?

If you are on the ExhibitDay Enterprise plan and have multiple workspaces, when you view an asset (in the “Manage Assets” area), you’ll see a “Sharing” tab. Under the “Sharing” tab you can specify which of your other workspace(s) the asset should be shared with.

Sharing an Asset

Where do Shared Assets Appear?

Shared assets will be made available under the Event “Asset Reservations” tab of the workspaces they are shared with. Shared assets will not appear in the “Manage Assets” area of the workspace they are shared with. For example, if you share an asset from workspace A with another workspace, B, then any event in workspace B can reserve the shared asset; however, the asset will not appear under the “Manage Assets” area of workspace B. Any change to the asset itself (like changes to the asset name, model number, image, etc.) must be made in the asset’s origin workspace (workspace A).

A share icon Shared Asset is displayed in front of the names of shared assets.

Reserving a Shared Asset

Can Users of the Workspace the Asset is Shared With See the Cost of the Asset?

The Cost of an asset can be set when adding/editing the asset (in the Manage Assets area). When you share an asset with another workspace, you have the option to specify whether or not the users of that workspace can see the cost of the shared asset.
Note: The cost of an asset is shown as a reference when tagging an asset in a giveaway for an event (in order to help calculate the cost of the giveaway); for more information about tagging assets in giveaways of an event, please refer to this article.

What Happens When a Shared Asset is Unshared?

Unsharing (i.e., disabling sharing of) an asset that has already been shared with another workspace prevents new reservations of the asset from the workspace it was shared with — any existing reservations that may have already been made while the asset was shared will not get canceled.

Rich Text Editor for Event Fields

Rich text editing is now available for the following fields in ExhibitDay:

Event Notes, Booth Notes, Multi-line Custom Fields, Booth Service Notes, Travel Reservation Notes, Shipment Notes, Sponsorship Notes, Misc/Other Expense Notes, Budget/ROI Notes, Playbook Item Details, Task Details, Asset Descriptions, and Asset Pull Notes.

The new rich text editor provides the ability to add hyperlinks, boldface font, underline, italics, supper/sub-script, and bullet lists.

WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor Event Notes

Adding a Description for Exhibit Hall and Booth Setup/Dismantle Dates and Times

You can now specify a ‘Description’ for each Date/Time entry listed under the Exhibit Hall and Booth Setup/Dismantle sections of the Event Info tab. To specify a description for a Date/Time entry, click the ‘Add description’ link listed directly underneath the Date/Time row. The description field can be used to track notes (e.g. ‘Vendor Reception’, ‘Coffee Break / Dedicated Viewing’, etc.).

Trade Show Exhibit Date Description