Shipment Components – Specifying Weight and Dimensions

Shipment Components

Shipment Components are the individual packages or pieces that collectively make up your shipment, such as boxes, crates, pallets, and containers. Each component has its own weight and dimensions.

You can specify the components for your shipments by clicking on the “Specify Components” link when creating a shipment in ExhibitDay (under the Event Shipments tab).

Specifying Components of a Shipment

Specifying Components for Simple, Single-package Shipments

If your shipment is just a single package (e.g., a box of miscellaneous swag), then your shipment has only one component — the box that’s being shipped. Click the “Specify Components” link and add just one entry — a “Box”. Then, specify its weight and dimensions.

Single-Package Shipment: Specify weight and Dimensions

Specifying Components for Freights and Larger/Multi-package Shipments

For freights and larger shipments that have multiple components (e.g., 2 crates and a pallet), enter each component separately.

Shipment Components - 2 Crates and a Pallet

Changing Units of Measurement for Shipment Component Weight and Dimensions

You can change the units of measurement for shipment weight and dimensions under your Workspace Settings.

Shipment Weight and Dimensions Measurement Units