Adding Tags to Assets

You can now add tags to Assets in your ExhibitDay Workspace.

Tagging Assets

Tags are keywords or phrases that can be added to your Assets in order to classify and categorize them — however way you see fit. For example, you can tag an Asset with the name of the department/division that the Asset belongs to. Or, you can tag Assets as “Custom-made” or “Perishable” or “Fragile”, etc.

The tags for each asset can be specified when you add a new asset or edit an existing one.

Filtering your Assets by Tag

On the Manage Assets page, you can see all the tags for each Asset. Use the Asset Filter (top-right corner) to filter down your Assets by any number of tags.

Asset Tags Filter

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows, manage your trade show assets, and collaborate on tasks with your event team.

Exporting Collateral Transactions and Capital Asset Reservations to Spreadsheet

We just released the ability to export your Collateral Transactions and Capital Asset Reservations to spreadsheet format in ExhibitDay.

Exporting Collateral Transactions (.csv format)

To export transactions for a collateral asset, click on the export button under the [Inventory Ledger] tab of the collateral asset. The .csv export file will include all the inventory adjustments and reservations for the collateral.

Export Trade Show Collateral Asset Ledger Transactions

Exporting Capital Asset Reservations (.csv format)

To export all the reservations for a given capital asset, click on the export button under the [Reservations] tab of the capital asset. The .csv export file will include all the reservations for the capital asset.

Export Trade Show Capital Asset Reservations to Spreadsheet

Note: the ability to export data is offered to ExhibitDay workspaces that subscribe to the Premium plan.

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows, manage your trade show assets, and collaborate on tasks with your event team.

Export Assets to Spreadsheet

We just released the ability to export your assets to spreadsheet format in ExhibitDay.

Exporting Assets (.csv format)

To Export your assets, click on the [Manage Assets] tab on the top navigation bar. Then, click the Export button on the main Assets page.

Export Assets for Trade Shows and Exhibits to Spreadsheet

Note: the ability to export data is offered to ExhibitDay workspaces that subscribe to the Premium plan.

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows, manage your trade show assets, and collaborate on tasks with your event team.

Following Storage Locations to get Notified about Asset Reservations

We just released the ability to Follow your Storage Locations in ExhibitDay (in order to get notified about Asset Reservations).

Following a Storage Location

To follow a Storage Location, click the Storage Locations link in the drop-down menu next to the [Manage Assets] tab. Then, click the Follow link next to the Storage Location(s) you would like to follow.

Follow Storage Location(s) to get notified about asset reservations.

Every time an Asset Reservation is made (or updated) from Storage Location(s) that you following, you’ll receive an email about the reservation.

Asset Reservation Notification Settings

By default, when you follow a Storage Location, you will get notifications about all asset reservations and updates from that location — upcoming and past reservations. If you don’t wish to get notifications about past reservations (e.g. when a reservation from a past event gets deleted), and only prefer to get notified about upcoming/future reservations, you can change your Asset Management notification settings under My Profile & Preferences > Email Notifications > Asset Management Notification Emails.

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows, collaborate on tasks with your event team, and manage your trade show assets.

Managing Storage Locations for Trade Show Assets

You can manage your Storage Locations for your Assets in ExhibitDay by expanding the [Manage Assets] dropdown menu. On the Storage Locations page, you can add a new Storage Location, or, browse to existing Storage Locations in your ExhibitDay workspace.

Storage Locations for Trade Show Assets

Storage Location Details

When you click on any of your existing Storage Locations, you’ll be taken to the Storage Location Details page. On the Details page, you’ll see:

  • A list of your Capital Assets stored at this location.
  • A list of your Collateral Transactions involving this location (i.e. all collateral inventory adjustments and event reservations for this location).
  • Logs – history of all transactions and reservations for this storage location.

You can edit the Storage Location’s name and address using the “Edit Location” link (towards the top of the page).

Storage Location Details - Trade Show Assets

Deleting a Storage Location

You can delete a Storage Location by clicking the [Delete this Location] link on the extended menu of the tab strip (on the Storage Location Details page).

Note: When deleting a Storage Location that has any Capital Asset(s) or Collateral Transaction(s) associated with it, prior to deleting the location, you must choose another location to transfer the associated Capital Asset(s) and Collateral Transaction(s) to.

Delete Asset Storage Location

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows and manage your trade show assets.