Copying Tasks From Another Event

You can add tasks to your events by copying tasks from other events.

In order to copy tasks from another event, go to the [Tasks] tab of the event that you’d like to copy tasks into. Then, open the dropdown menu of the [New Task] button and select “Copy tasks from another event”.

Copy Tasks From Another Event

Use the Copy Tasks pop-up dialog to select the event you’d like to copy tasks from, and choose the copy options you’d like to use. Then, click the [Submit] button at the bottom of the pop-up dialog to compelete the copy/import process.

Import Tasks From Other Events

Duplicating a Task

We just released the ability to copy/duplicate tasks in ExhibitDay.

Copying / Duplicating a Task

Sometimes it might just be easier to create a new task by duplicating an existing task. If you have a task in ExhibitDay that you want to copy, you can use the new [Duplicate] button on the task edit form to make a copy of the task.

Make a duplicate copy of a task

Pro-tip: you can also duplicate a task using the “Duplicate this Task” link on the task Context Menu (when you right-click on a task).

Make a duplicate copy of a task from the context menu

Note: If you want to copy all the tasks from one event to a new event, you can use the Event Copy feature (with the Copy Tasks option checked). For more information about copying events, please read this blog post.

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows, and collaborate on tasks with your event team.