Custom Asset Fields

Under the ExhibitDay Enterprise plan, you can customize the properties of Capital Assets (like your booth or displays) and Collateral/Multi-quantity Items (like giveaways and swag) by adding Custom Asset Fields. These custom fields can be used to capture relevant data that best support your organization’s inventory management processes.

To add custom fields to the Asset information tab, go to Workspace Settings > Workspace Customizations > Customize Asset Info tab. There, you can add any number of custom fields (e.g. text field, date field, dropdown, file attachment, etc.) to your assets in ExhibitDay. You can also change the order in which the fields appear when you view the Asset Info tab (by grab-and-dragging the handle to right of each field) . Note: any change you make on this page will automatically apply to all of the assets in your ExhibitDay workspace.

Add a custom field to assets

Event Custom Date/Time Fields

You can now add custom Date/Time fields to the “Info” and “Booth” tabs of your Events in ExhibitDay.

Custom Date Time Field Settings

Custom Date/Time Field Types

There are 6 different Date/Time field types that you can add to your events.

1. Date

The Date field adds a Calendar control to your events. There is also an optional Notes field that can be used to add notes about the selected date.

Custom Date Exmaple
2. Time

The Time field adds a time-selector control to your events. The custom Time field also comes with an optional Time Zone field and an optional Notes field.

Custom Time Example
3. Date + Time

The “Date + Time” custom field lets you specify a date and a time (i.e. a timestamp). This field provides a calendar control for selecting a date and a time-selector control for specifying a time. This custom field also comes with an optional Time Zone field and an optional Notes field.

Date Time field Example
4. Date + Time Period

The “Date + Time Period” custom field lets you specify a date and start/end times. This field provides a calendar control for selecting a date and time-selector controls for specifying a start time and an end time. This custom field also comes with an optional Time Zone field and an optional Notes field.

Date + time Period Exmaple
5. Date Range

The “Date Range” custom field lets you specify a start date and an end date using calendar controls. This custom field also comes with an optional Notes field.

Date Range Example
5. Date Range with Time

The “Date Range with Time” custom field lets you specify a start date/time and an end date/time using calendar and time-selector controls. This custom field also comes with an optional Time Zone field and an optional Notes field.

Rich Text Editor for Event Fields

Rich text editing is now available for the following fields in ExhibitDay:

Event Notes, Booth Notes, Multi-line Custom Fields, Booth Service Notes, Travel Reservation Notes, Shipment Notes, Sponsorship Notes, Misc/Other Expense Notes, Budget/ROI Notes, Playbook Item Details, Task Details, Asset Descriptions, and Asset Pull Notes.

The new rich text editor provides the ability to add hyperlinks, boldface font, underline, italics, supper/sub-script, and bullet lists.

WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor Event Notes

Copying Tasks From Another Event

You can add tasks to your events by copying tasks from other events.

In order to copy tasks from another event, go to the [Tasks] tab of the event that you’d like to copy tasks into. Then, open the dropdown menu of the [New Task] button and select “Copy tasks from another event”.

Copy Tasks From Another Event

Use the Copy Tasks pop-up dialog to select the event you’d like to copy tasks from, and choose the copy options you’d like to use. Then, click the [Submit] button at the bottom of the pop-up dialog to compelete the copy/import process.

Import Tasks From Other Events

Specifying the Check-in (Return to Storage) for Collateral and Multi-Quantity Asset Reservations

You can now specify a Check-in/Return Date for Collateral and Multi-Quantity Asset reservations in ExhibitDay.

When reserving a Collateral/Multi-Quantity Asset for an event, use the “Return to Storage / Check-in” section of the reservation form to specify if/when the items will return back to storage.

Check-in Return of Trade Show Asset to Storage

When to choose the ‘Unspecified / TBD’ option:

In certain cases, the items that get checked out either do not return back to storage at all, or, only some portion of the quantity checked-out gets returned back to storage. For example, if 500 Logo Pens are checked out for an event, some or none of the Logo Pens may return back to storage after the event. In such scenarios, choose the ‘Unspecified / TBD’ option. If/when any portion of item(s) end up getting sent back to storage, you can make a manual inventory adjustment entry for this asset at the storage location the items are returned to.

Also, in certain scenarios, some portion of the items checked-out may even go to a different location after the event (e.g. 15 chairs are checked out for an event, 5 of them return to the original storage location and 10 get shipped directly to a different event and get returned at a later date); in such cases, it is also recommended that the ‘Unspecified / TBD’ option be selected so that manual inventory adjustments are made upon actual arrival of the items at each location.

When to choose the ‘Everything comes right back after the event’ option:

Choose this option only if you know that all quantities of this asset checked-out for this reservation will return back to the same storage location after the event. The system will automatically make the inventory adjustment entry (increase) for the check-in on the specified return date. For example, if 15 chairs are reserved for an event, and after the event, all 15 chairs will return to the same storage location they were checked-out from, then you can select this option and specify the return date — this way, the system will automatically mark an inventory increase on the return date, and you won’t have to ‘check-in’ (by adding an inventory adjustment entry for the return).

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows, manage your trade show assets, and collaborate on tasks with your event team.