Maximizing Trade Show Value: How to Get the Most Bang for Your Buck

If you’ve decided to invest money into your very own booth at an upcoming trade show, chances are, you’re wondering how you can maximize the value of this event. Trade shows aren’t exactly cheap, which is why you’re probably feeling pressure to meet as many existing customers, find as many new leads, and meet as many business objectives.

Well, luckily, there is plenty of prep work you can embark on now to guarantee maximum value if you’re doing a trade show on a budget.

Here’s how:

1. Send Out Emails

There’s no harm in drumming up a little excitement! Send out an email to all customers within the proximity of the event, letting them know about your booth. Try and secure them complimentary tickets if available through the organizer. Many times, the event organizers will help you any way possible to make your event a success.

2. Schedule Appointments

Make it known on social media and through other channels that you are accepting appointments during the trade show. Contact your top accounts and promise them an exclusive demonstration of your product or service at the event. Everyone likes to feel special.

3. Host VIP Events

Consider hosting a happy hour or some kind of cocktail meeting after the exhibit hours to show some of your key customers how special they really are to you.

4. Go the Extra Mile

Did you know many of the convention centers have conference rooms where you can further explain and demonstrate products to potential clients? This is a great way to go above and beyond, really taking time to go deep with your product for the right potential buyer.

5. Say Yes to Extra Marketing

Event organizers want to find ways to drum up excitement for their event as well. Volunteer to take part in any workshops, discussions, and seminars that take place before, during, and after the exhibit hall hours. This is a free way to get exposure through their network.

6. Extend Your Stay

If you think you have made some invaluable connections for the future trajectory of your business, then do not hesitate to extend your stay and really nurture the lead. It will show them you are a serious contender and determined to make it work. Additionally, if a potential client reaches out to you before the trade show, consider arriving a few days early to close the deal before the show even begins!

Every business could stand to cut down on unnecessary costs in a given fiscal year, which is why the 6 tips above can help maximize the value of your next trade show.

The Top 6 Ways to Exhibit Efficiently at Your Next Trade Show

Everyone knows a trade show requires a lot of time, resources, and investment to make it effective. That’s why planning for your next trade show can seem overwhelming and frustrating at times, especially if you are a new business or a startup. However, with the right preparation, you can maximize your return by carefully planning for each required resource in advance. Not to mention, you can get your brand loyalists involved in a way that is beneficial to your company for years down the line.

So, how does one master trade shows? Here are our top 6 ways to exhibit efficiently and effectively:

1. Purchase and Donate

You’re going to need furniture, flooring, and other resources to pull off a trade show booth. Check with local companies, like Home Depot or Ikea, and see if they have any kind of items that you can use at your trade shows. Some places will even let you rent them for much lower than buying the items.

If you do buy the items, try donating them afterward to a Goodwill-ideally an organization that will come and pick-up the pieces for you.

2. You Scratch My Back, …

Many vendors, like LCD manufacturers, will bring their product samples to the exhibit hall. Contact them ahead of time and offer them to demo your product or service on their LCD if they were to bring an extra LCD for your booth. This way they would get additional exposure while you would save the cost for an LCD at your booth.

3. Local Help

There’s no need to fly employees across the country when you already have a remote workforce within driving distance of the trade show. Have local partners come in and work through the exhibition so you can save thousands on flights, hotel, and other costs.

4. Brand Ambassadors

Every company has those loyal customers that would do anything for the business. Have your loyal clients come in and provide raving testimonials that really elevate your booth presence. Offer them an incentive in return, like a free product or service. These same people can market your upcoming trade show on their social media to drum up excitement.

5. Do Everything Early

This holds true with everything from booking the booth and everything associated with your event, to setting up the booth. Set up your trade show booth as soon as you possibly can. Many times, setting up one day early can free up your time the day before the conference so that you can spend time and potentially early viewing of your products for your large customers and get a head start before the official start day. Remember you are not the only one that is competing for their attention while they are at the event.

6. Schedule in Advance

Some of the most valuable trade show magic can happen 4 to 6 weeks in advance of the actual trade show. Make yourself highly available to interact with your existing customers over the phone, through video conferencing, or even via flying to the show a few days early to secure a deal.

There are a lot of different components that go into an effective trade show, which is why we want you to be prepared to really maximize your value the next time around. Follow our tips above to ensure you are stocked up and ready to go ahead of time.

How to Choose the Right Trade Show

There are thousands upon thousands of trade shows that take place not only in the U.S., but throughout the world. Selecting ones that are right for your niche can be hard, especially when costs are factored into the equation. You only have so much time and money that you can spend on trade shows — which is why there can be a lot of pressure behind your final decision.

Here is a quick guide for identifying trade shows that are the right fit for your business:


Who is your ideal buyer? Your ideal investor? Are they millennials? Are they established Baby Boomers? Men or women? If you are trying to target a younger crowd, going to a trade show in a big metropolis, like New York City or San Diego, is basically guaranteed to get you in front of millennials. But, if you are targeting an older crowd with more established roots, then bigger and more conventional trade show centers (in places like Orlando) might be better suited for you.


What is your ultimate goal at a trade show? Do you want to increase leads and sales? Strengthen relationships with customers? Raise awareness for your brand? Depending on your end goal, you might want to consider different sizes of trade shows. If you just want awareness, then massive trade shows can get your name out there. But, if you want a few intimate leads, consider a smaller, more targeted and more exclusive trade show.

Event History

You will be taking a chance on a newly established trade show; although, one benefit is that you can probably negotiate a good deal with newer trade shows. For all other, more established shows, make sure to check out their history. Here are some topics to research before committing to a trade show:  Did the show organizer invest a sufficient money and effort into advertising the trade show? How long have they been around? On average, how many people attend their shows? …This is all free information you can aggregate before you decide.


If you are on a tight budget, then not every trade show is going to work for you. Sometimes, you might even have to pick based on timing of the trade show. There is a discount window when trade shows first announce their dates – you might find yourself simply basing your decision on the trade show dates to ensure you align the discount window with your budget.

Yeah, there can be a lot of trade shows to choose from. Don’t feel overwhelmed. Take your time; use the guidelines above; do your research; find the trade shows that are the right fit for your business.

Good luck, and Godspeed.