Measuring Cost per Lead and Cost per Impression for Trade Shows and Exhibits

The new Engagement Analytics feature in ExhibitDay helps you track the Cost per Lead and Cost per Impression for exhibiting at trade shows and sponsoring events.

How it Works

After entering the actual costs for your event (in the “cost” field for booth reservation, booth services, shipments, sponsorships, travel, etc.), under the [ROI & Analytics] tab of each event in your ExhibitDay workspace, you can enter the following information:

Trade Show Engagement Metrics

As you enter the event engagement metrics, ExhibitDay automatically calculates the Cost per Lead and Cost per Brand Impression for your event in the summary section:

Trade Show Cost per Lead and Cost Per Impression

Measuring Cost per Lead and Cost per Impression Across all Your Events

You can compare Engagement Metrics across all your events for a given year under the [Annual Budgets] link:

Compare Engagement Metrics and ROI Across events

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account and start measuring the Cost per Lead and Cost per Impression for your investments in trade show exhibits and sponsorships.

How to Allocate your Annual Event Budget Across your Trade Shows and Sponsorships

ExhibitDay’s new budgeting feature lets you set annual trade show budgets as well as more granular, event-specific budgets across all your trade shows for the year.

In this post, we will cover how you can allocate your annual budget across your events in ExhibitDay.

Your Annual Event Budget

Your total annual budget is pretty straight forward — it’s the total budget you have for exhibiting at trade shows, plus, your sponsorship budget.

Allocating Budget to an Event

Once you’ve entered the events you are considering for the year in ExhibitDay and you’ve set your total annual budget, it’s time to allocate that budget across your events.

Event-Specific Budgets

Under the [Budget] tab for each event, you can enter the planned budget for the event’s booth reservation, services, travel/lodging, shipments, miscellaneous expenses, and sponsorships. As you enter these numbers, the total planned budget for the event is automatically calculated in the summary section.

The Allocation Summary Box

The budget allocation summary box shows the total event budget in relevance to the total annual budget for all trade shows and sponsorships. As you enter the budget for each event, this is where you’ll get a lens into how much of the annual budget remains unallocated (or how over-allocated the annual budget is).

Event Allocation Breakdown 

After you have allocated your annual budget to all your events, you can go to the [Event Allocation Breakdown] tab of the annual budget page to see the details of how the budget has been allocated.

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account and start tracking the budgets for your trade shows and exhibits. 

Tracking Miscellaneous Expenses in your Annual Events Budget

Based on user feedback, we just released new functionality to track non-event-specific miscellaneous expenses in your annual budgets. These are trade show and exhibit expenses that are incurred against your annual event budget that cannot be attributed to a single event — for example: new booth furniture, or, updated print brochures.

You can manage your miscellaneous annual expenses under the [Other / Miscellaneous Expenses] tab of the Annual Budgets page in ExhibitDay.

Create a free ExhibitDay account and start tracking the budgets for all your trade shows, exhibits and sponsorships.

Track Your Event Sponsorships

Yet Another New ExhibitDay Feature…

We just added the ability to track your event sponsorships in ExhibitDay.

Each event in your ExhibitDay workspace now has a new [Sponsorships] tab. Under the Sponsorships tab, you can enter the descriptions of all your sponsorships for the event (e.g. “Attendee Badge Sponsorship”). Additionally, you can keep notes about your sponsorships and attach sponsorship invoices.

ExhibitDay Event Sponsorship Tracking

Hope you find the new Sponsorship Tracking functionality useful, and, as always, we look forward to all your feedback.