Charging Expenses to Cost Centers

You can now charge expenses for your trade shows and exhibits to Cost Centers in ExhibitDay.

Cost Centers

Cost Centers are Departments or Business Units within your organization to which costs can be charged (for accounting purposes).

When entering the cost of specific items for your Events (e.g. Booth Reservation, Travel, Shipments, Sponsorship, etc.), you can optionally specify the Cost Center(s) that the cost should be charged to.

Configuring Cost Centers in your Workspace

You can manage your list of Cost Centers under Workspace Settings > Workspace Customizations > Customize Cost Centers.

Manage Cost Centers for Trade Shows and Exhibitions

Charging a Cost to a Cost Center

To specify a Cost Center to charge to (when entering the cost of an item), click the ‘Specify Cost Center’ link next to the text-box for the cost, then select the Cost Center you would like to charge the amount to.

Select the Cost Center to allocate a cost to

Charging a Cost to Multiple Cost Centers

If the amount being entered should be charged to multiple Cost Centers, use the ‘Split Amount’ link to specify the Amount/Cost Center breakdown. For example, if the total amount for an item is $750, and that amount should be charged evenly across three Cost Centers ( ‘CC1’, ‘CC2’ and ‘CC3’), enter $250 and select ‘CC1’, then, click ‘Split Amount’ and enter $250 and select ‘CC2’; do the same thing for ‘CC3’…

Split Expenses Across Multiple Cost Centers

Expenses by Cost Center Report

To view a report of your annual expenses broken down by Cost Center, click on the Annual Budgets (all events) link in the top-right navigation menu. Then, click on the Expenses by Cost Center tab.

You can filter the report by Cost Center and export all expenses (for the budget year) to a spreadsheet (in .csv format).

Trade Show Expenses by Cost Center Report

Note: The ability to specify Cost Centers for expenses is only offered to ExhibitDay Workspaces that are on the ‘Enterprise’ plan. If you wish to enable this feature, please contact us about setting up a custom Enterprise engagement with your organization.

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows, manage your trade event budgets, and collaborate on tasks with your event team.

How to Measure ROI for Trade Shows and Exhibits

The new ROI Calculator in ExhibitDay helps you measure the Return on Investment for exhibiting at trade shows and sponsoring events.

How it Works

After entering the actual costs for your event (in the “cost” field for booth reservation, booth services, shipments, sponsorships, travel, etc.), under the [ROI & Analytics] tab of each event in your ExhibitDay workspace, you can enter the Actual and Potential revenue amounts attributable to the event:

As you enter the attributable revenue figures, ExhibitDay automatically calculates the Return on investment for your event in the summary section:

Comparing ROI Across Your Events

You can compare the Return on Investment across all your events for a given year under the [Annual Budgets] link:

Compare Engagement Metrics and ROI Across events

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account and start measuring the return for your investments in trade show exhibits and event sponsorships.

Measuring Cost per Lead and Cost per Impression for Trade Shows and Exhibits

The new Engagement Analytics feature in ExhibitDay helps you track the Cost per Lead and Cost per Impression for exhibiting at trade shows and sponsoring events.

How it Works

After entering the actual costs for your event (in the “cost” field for booth reservation, booth services, shipments, sponsorships, travel, etc.), under the [ROI & Analytics] tab of each event in your ExhibitDay workspace, you can enter the following information:

Trade Show Engagement Metrics

As you enter the event engagement metrics, ExhibitDay automatically calculates the Cost per Lead and Cost per Brand Impression for your event in the summary section:

Trade Show Cost per Lead and Cost Per Impression

Measuring Cost per Lead and Cost per Impression Across all Your Events

You can compare Engagement Metrics across all your events for a given year under the [Annual Budgets] link:

Compare Engagement Metrics and ROI Across events

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account and start measuring the Cost per Lead and Cost per Impression for your investments in trade show exhibits and sponsorships.

Trade Show Engagement Analytics and ROI

Just Released – new ExhibitDay feature to measure Engagement and ROI for all your trade shows and Exhibits.

Event-Specific Engagement Analytics and ROI

Under the [Analytics & ROI] tab of each event in your ExhibitDay workspace, you can now specify the following metrics:

  • Number of leads captured.
  • Number of impressions (booth walk-bys, sponsorship, traditional/social media.
  • Number of meetings (with new and existing customers).
  • Revenue attributable to the event (actual and forecast).

Based on these metrics and the cost of your event, ExhibitDay automatically calculates the following for you:

  • Average Cost per Lead.
  • Average Cost per Impression.
  • Customer Meeting Metrics.
  • Total Gross ROI.
  • Total Gross Realized ROI.

Engagement Analytics and ROI Across all Events

You can also view and compare Engagement Analytics and ROI across all your events for a given year under the [Annual Budgets] link.

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account and start measuring the return on your investments in Trade Shows and Exhibits.