Importing Assets From a Spreadsheet

You can import your Assets from a spreadsheet into ExhibitDay. The Asset Import tool can be accessed via the dropdown menu of the “Manage Assets” tab.

Bulk Upload Assets

Prerequisite: At Least One Storage Location

As a part of the asset bulk upload process, right after you upload your spreadsheet, you’ll be asked to specify the Storage Location for each Capital Asset that you’re importing.

Before you begin, please ensure that the Storage Locations to which you plan to assign the assets you’re importing have already been entered into the system.

Storage Locations can be managed from the dropdown menu of the “Manage Assets” tab.

Manage Storage Locations

Note: Storage Locations are different from “Storage Areas.” Storage Locations are places where assets are stored (for example, Warehouse A, Warehouse B). Each Storage Location has a name, address, point of contact, etc. Storage Areas are places within Storage Locations where assets are typically stored (e.g. “Aisle 1, Bin 3”). If you want to specify Storage Areas for assets you’re importing, you can enter the Storage Area for each asset under the “Storage Area” column (Column F of the upload template).

The Import Process

The import process is simple — you download the spreadsheet template (.xlsx), then fill in your assets (1 asset per row), and upload the completed file.

Please note that in the template, “Asset Name” (column A) and “Asset Type” (column B) are the only required columns.

Note: You can import up to 100 assets per upload. If you have more than 100 assets that you would like to import, you can break them down into multiple spreadsheets and upload each spreadsheet separately. Also, the import tool is limited to the properties of assets listed in the spreadsheet template (Asset Name, Type, Internal ID, Make/Model, Cost, Storage Area, Tags, and Pull Notes). Other properties of assets (like asset images, and quantities for collateral, etc.) cannot be imported using the import tool — they would have to be entered into the system manually after the import is complete.

Final Step: Review Screen

After you upload the spreadsheet, the system will parse your data and present you with a screen where you can review the data you’re about to import for accuracy. Review each asset that is being imported and make changes as needed.

If you are importing any Capital Assets, please ensure that you select the appropriate Storage Location for each Capital Asset on the review screen.

Once you’re done reviewing the data, click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page to complete the import process.

Note: In ExhibitDay, each Capital Asset must be assigned to a Storage Location. That is why you are given the option to choose the Storage Location for each Capital Asset you’re importing on the review screen. On the other hand, Collateral / Multi-quantity Items do not need to have a storage location defined; the storage locations for Collateral / Multi-quantity Items can be selected whenever you make inventory adjustments for them (after the import is done).

Deleting Assets

If you accidentally import a duplicate asset, you can delete it by going to the Asset page itself. Please note that prior to deleting an asset, the asset must be marked as ‘Archived’. You can archive an asset from the extended menu of the tab strip on the Asset page. Once an asset is marked as ‘Archived’, the option to delete it appears in the extended menu of the tab strip.

Archiving an Asset

Copy / Duplicate Travel Reservations

You can easily create a copy of an existing travel reservation (under the event travel tab).

To create a duplicate copy of an existing travel reservation, click on the “Duplicate” option in the “Edit” menu of the reservation you’d like to copy.

Once the “Duplicate Travel Reservation” dialog appears, you can choose to copy the same tagged people and file attachments (if any) over to the new copy.

Finally, click the “Create Copy” button to complete the process.

Copy / Duplicate Travel Reservation

Note: The ability to copy/duplicate travel reservations is only offered with ExhibitDay’s paid plans.

Tracking Event Attendee Registration Information

You can track event registration information for your staff who attend your events (under the “Registration / Ticket info” section when adding an attendee via the event “Staff” tab).

Attendee Registration Information


If you have already committed to an event (i.e. purchased tickets, etc.), but you don’t know who’s going to attend yet, you can still create an “untagged attendance record” (by simply adding an attendee record without actually choosing a particular person in the Attendee dropdown). Once you determine who’ll be attending, you can come back and edit that record to tag the actual attendee.

Quick-Tag Attendees

With just a few clicks, you can quickly tag attendees under the Event Staff tab. Use the dropdown menu (to the right of the “Add Attendee” button) to open the Quick-Tag dialog, then select the Attendee(s) you’d like to tag and click “Apply”.

Tag Event Attendees

Planned Budget for Attendee Registration / Tickets

You can enter your planned budget for Attendee Registration under the “All Attendee Registration/Tickets” section of the Event Budget tab.

Planned Budget for Attendee Registration / Tickets

Event Custom Date/Time Fields

You can now add custom Date/Time fields to the “Info” and “Booth” tabs of your Events in ExhibitDay.

Custom Date Time Field Settings

Custom Date/Time Field Types

There are 6 different Date/Time field types that you can add to your events.

1. Date

The Date field adds a Calendar control to your events. There is also an optional Notes field that can be used to add notes about the selected date.

Custom Date Exmaple
2. Time

The Time field adds a time-selector control to your events. The custom Time field also comes with an optional Time Zone field and an optional Notes field.

Custom Time Example
3. Date + Time

The “Date + Time” custom field lets you specify a date and a time (i.e. a timestamp). This field provides a calendar control for selecting a date and a time-selector control for specifying a time. This custom field also comes with an optional Time Zone field and an optional Notes field.

Date Time field Example
4. Date + Time Period

The “Date + Time Period” custom field lets you specify a date and start/end times. This field provides a calendar control for selecting a date and time-selector controls for specifying a start time and an end time. This custom field also comes with an optional Time Zone field and an optional Notes field.

Date + time Period Exmaple
5. Date Range

The “Date Range” custom field lets you specify a start date and an end date using calendar controls. This custom field also comes with an optional Notes field.

Date Range Example
5. Date Range with Time

The “Date Range with Time” custom field lets you specify a start date/time and an end date/time using calendar and time-selector controls. This custom field also comes with an optional Time Zone field and an optional Notes field.

Copying Tasks From Another Event

You can add tasks to your events by copying tasks from other events.

In order to copy tasks from another event, go to the [Tasks] tab of the event that you’d like to copy tasks into. Then, open the dropdown menu of the [New Task] button and select “Copy tasks from another event”.

Copy Tasks From Another Event

Use the Copy Tasks pop-up dialog to select the event you’d like to copy tasks from, and choose the copy options you’d like to use. Then, click the [Submit] button at the bottom of the pop-up dialog to compelete the copy/import process.

Import Tasks From Other Events