Custom Field: Drop-Down List

You can now add Drop-Down Lists as custom fields in your ExhibitDay Workspace.

To add a custom Drop-Down List to the Event [Info] tab or the Event [Booth] tab, go to Workspace Settings > Customize Event Fields. There, you can add a new Drop-Down List and specify its name, as well as the list of available options.

Custom Field: Drop-Down List

Once a custom Drop-Down List has been added to your ExhibitDay Workspace, it will automatically show up under each event’s Info/Booth tab.

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Generating an Asset Pull Sheet

You can now generate a Pull Sheet for your Asset Reservations in ExhibitDay.

To generate a Pull Sheet for your reserved Assets, click the [Generate Pull Sheet] button under the Event [Assets] tab.

Inventory Pull Sheet

Once the Pull Sheet is rendered, it will be downloaded to your browser in .pdf or .docx format (depending on the options you select in the Pull Sheet pop-up dialog).

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows, manage your trade show assets, and collaborate on tasks with your event team.

Specifying Shipping Logistics Categories for Asset Reservations

You can now specify a Shipping Logistics Category when you reserve an Asset in ExhibitDay.

To specify a Shipping Logistics Category (i.e. “Advance Warehouse” or “Direct Shipment”) for your reservation, use the Advanced Options section of the Asset reservation form.

Shipping Logistics

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows, manage your trade show assets, and collaborate on tasks with your event team.

Event Attendee Roles

You can now specify a Role for each Attendee of an Event in ExhibitDay.

Assigning Roles to Event Attendees

To assign a Role to an event attendee (under the event [Staff] tab), click on the edit drop-down next to the attendee; then, select the “Specify Role” option.

Event Attendee Role

Default Attendee Roles for Users and Resources

A Default Event Attendee Role can be specified for each user/resource in your ExhibitDay Workspace (under Workspace Settings > Users & Permissions). If a user/resource has a Default Event Attendee Role specified, they will automatically be tagged as that role the next time they are added as an Attendee of an Event (under the Event [Staff] tab).

Default Event Attendee  Role

Adding Custom Event Attendee Roles

If there are additional roles that you would like to include in your ExhibitDay Workspace, you can add your own custom roles (under Workspace Settings > Customize Event Fields > Customize Event Attendee Roles).

Custom Event Attendee Roles for Trade Shows and Exhibitions

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows, and collaborate on tasks with your event team.

Exporting Individual Event Tabs

You can now export most of the event tabs to .pdf, .docx, and .csv file formats. Use the export drop-down list button (located at the top-right corner of each tab, directly below the event tab strip) to see the export options available for the tab you are on.

Export Event Tabs

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows, and collaborate on tasks with your event team.