Just Released – ExhibitDay’s Shipment Tracking module. You can now use the [Shipment] tab of your events in ExhibitDay to track all your shipments (e.g. booth furniture, swag, presentation equipment) for your trade shows and exhibits.
The information that can be tracked for each shipment
Shipment Description
Tracking Number
Pick-up / Drop-off Location
Pick-up / Drop-off Date
Delivery Date
Shipment Cost (used in calculations of actuals in the event budget)
Invoice (attachable)
Notes/Details about the shipment
Create a free ExhibitDay account and start tracking the shipments for your trade shows and exhibits.
Just launched — the ability to track budgets and actual costs for your trade shows and sponsorships in ExhibitDay.
This new enhancement helps you get a better lens into your investments in exhibits and event sponsorships and gives you more clarity when planning for future events.
Like most things in life…
“If you can measure it, you can make it better.”
Event-Specific Budgets
Under the Budget tab of each event, you can now enter the planned budget for the exhibit booth, services, travel reservations, shipments, sponsorships, and other/miscellaneous expenses.
Event Budget Summary
The planned and actual sums are automatically calculated in the top summary section:
Entering Actual Costs
A new “Cost” field has been added for:
Booth Reservation (under the event [Booth] tab)
Booth Services (under the event [Booth] tab)
Travel Reservations (under the event [Travel] tab)
Sponsorships (under the event [Sponsorships] tab)
Other Expenses (under the event [Other/Misc. Expenses] tab
Use the newly added “Cost” field to specify the actual cost for each expense. The costs that you enter get aggregated into the actuals under the event Budget tab.
Annual Budgets
We also added the ability to track annual budgets (for all your trade shows).
Under the annual budgets tab, you can set your overall annual budget for your Exhibits as well as your event Sponsorships. The actual costs are automatically aggregated from the values you enter in the “Cost” fields of all your events for the year.
Access Control
You have the ability to control which users in your ExhibitDay workspace have access to view and update costs as well as budgets.
Sign up for an ExhibitDay account and start tracking the budgets for your trade shows and exhibits.
We just added the ability to track your event sponsorships in ExhibitDay.
Each event in your ExhibitDay workspace now has a new [Sponsorships] tab. Under the Sponsorships tab, you can enter the descriptions of all your sponsorships for the event (e.g. “Attendee Badge Sponsorship”). Additionally, you can keep notes about your sponsorships and attach sponsorship invoices.
Hope you find the new Sponsorship Tracking functionality useful, and, as always, we look forward to all your feedback.
Exciting News — based on popular demand, we just launched Calendar and DetailView in ExhibitDay.
Calendar View
The Calendar View lets you see a list of all your upcoming trade shows and exhibits in calendar format. That simple!
Detail View
The Detail View is similar to the original “Lite” View. It’s in list format — except, you get to see a lot more details about each event; details like: event attendees, booth reservation status, travel reservations, number of event-specific tasks, etc. So, if you’ve been clicking between events to get a better picture of each event, now you can switch to Detail view and get the overall status of your upcoming events right from the Events page. Hooray!
Switching Between Views
To switch between List/Detail/Calendar views, use the View Preferences button on the top right corner of the Events page in your ExhibitDay workspace.
We hope you find ExhibitDay’s new Calendar and Detail Views helpful and we look forward to all your feedback and any other feature request.