Actual Costs for Events

Actual costs for a given event can be viewed under the “Actual Costs” section of the Event “Budget” tab.

Actual Costs for a given event are automatically complied based on the following:

  • Booth reservation cost (as entered under the “Booth” tab)
  • Booth service costs (as entered under the Booth Services section of the event “Booth” tab)
  • Attendee registration/ticket costs (as entered under the event “Staff” tab)
  • Travel reservation costs (as entered under the event “Travel Reservations” tab)
  • Shipment costs (as entered under the event “Shipments” tab)
  • Miscellaneous expense/credit costs/amounts (as entered under the event “Misc. Expenses & Credits” tab)
  • Sponsorship costs (as entered under the “Sponsorships” tab)
Actual Costs for an Event

Actual Costs for all Events in a Given Year

Actual costs for all events in a given year can be viewed and downloaded under the “Actual Costs Details” section of the “Annual Budgets (all events)” page.

Annual Event Actual Costs

Copy / Duplicate Travel Reservations

You can easily create a copy of an existing travel reservation (under the event travel tab).

To create a duplicate copy of an existing travel reservation, click on the “Duplicate” option in the “Edit” menu of the reservation you’d like to copy.

Once the “Duplicate Travel Reservation” dialog appears, you can choose to copy the same tagged people and file attachments (if any) over to the new copy.

Finally, click the “Create Copy” button to complete the process.

Copy / Duplicate Travel Reservation

Note: The ability to copy/duplicate travel reservations is only offered with ExhibitDay’s paid plans.

Sharing Assets Between Your Workspaces (for multi-workspace configurations)

If you have a multi-workspace configuration (offered under the ExhibitDay Enterprise plan), you can share Assets between your ExhibitDay workspaces.

What is a Shared Asset?

A shared asset is any asset that has been shared with another workspace. When an asset is shared with another workspace, it can get reserved for events in that workspace (via the Event “Asset Reservations” tab of the workspace it is shared with).

How do I share an Asset with another workspace?

If you are on the ExhibitDay Enterprise plan and have multiple workspaces, when you view an asset (in the “Manage Assets” area), you’ll see a “Sharing” tab. Under the “Sharing” tab you can specify which of your other workspace(s) the asset should be shared with.

Sharing an Asset

Where do Shared Assets Appear?

Shared assets will be made available under the Event “Asset Reservations” tab of the workspaces they are shared with. Shared assets will not appear in the “Manage Assets” area of the workspace they are shared with. For example, if you share an asset from workspace A with another workspace, B, then any event in workspace B can reserve the shared asset; however, the asset will not appear under the “Manage Assets” area of workspace B. Any change to the asset itself (like changes to the asset name, model number, image, etc.) must be made in the asset’s origin workspace (workspace A).

A share icon Shared Asset is displayed in front of the names of shared assets.

Reserving a Shared Asset

Can Users of the Workspace the Asset is Shared With See the Cost of the Asset?

The Cost of an asset can be set when adding/editing the asset (in the Manage Assets area). When you share an asset with another workspace, you have the option to specify whether or not the users of that workspace can see the cost of the shared asset.
Note: The cost of an asset is shown as a reference when tagging an asset in a giveaway for an event (in order to help calculate the cost of the giveaway); for more information about tagging assets in giveaways of an event, please refer to this article.

What Happens When a Shared Asset is Unshared?

Unsharing (i.e., disabling sharing of) an asset that has already been shared with another workspace prevents new reservations of the asset from the workspace it was shared with — any existing reservations that may have already been made while the asset was shared will not get canceled.

Travel Reservations: Multi-select and Bulk Export / Delete

You can selectively choose multiple travel reservations to export or delete.

In order to enable multi-select, click on the multi-select button located at the top-right of the event Travel Reservations tab; when the checkboxes appear (to the right of each travel reservation), choose the reservation(s) that you’d like to export or delete. Then, click on the “Bulk Action” dropdown button and choose the action you’d like to apply to your selection.

Tracking Event Attendee Registration Information

You can track event registration information for your staff who attend your events (under the “Registration / Ticket info” section when adding an attendee via the event “Staff” tab).

Attendee Registration Information


If you have already committed to an event (i.e. purchased tickets, etc.), but you don’t know who’s going to attend yet, you can still create an “untagged attendance record” (by simply adding an attendee record without actually choosing a particular person in the Attendee dropdown). Once you determine who’ll be attending, you can come back and edit that record to tag the actual attendee.

Quick-Tag Attendees

With just a few clicks, you can quickly tag attendees under the Event Staff tab. Use the dropdown menu (to the right of the “Add Attendee” button) to open the Quick-Tag dialog, then select the Attendee(s) you’d like to tag and click “Apply”.

Tag Event Attendees

Planned Budget for Attendee Registration / Tickets

You can enter your planned budget for Attendee Registration under the “All Attendee Registration/Tickets” section of the Event Budget tab.

Planned Budget for Attendee Registration / Tickets