7 Tips for Driving More Traffic to Your Trade Show Booth

After you determine the right trade shows to attend for your business, it’s time to hone in on the actual trade show booth and how you plan to stand out against the crowd. The competition can get stiff at the exhibit hall, especially in bigger trade shows with thousands of other exhibitors. So, let’s focus on how you can keep a steady stream of attendees coming your way.

Here are 7 tips for driving more traffic to your trade show booth:

Visuals and Illustrations

Humans are biologically visual creatures, which means: colors, moving graphics, and overall beautiful imagery will get people excited about your booth. Even if your industry is not visual in nature, find a way to make it visual at the trade show.

Charging Station

Everyone loves a good charging station for their mobile device. If you include a complementary charging station as part of your booth, it’s an easy way to get attendees to come by and see your service or product while they pause to recharge their phones.


Who doesn’t love free things? If you host a raffle or a giveaway contest periodically throughout the show, you’re basically guaranteed to have steady leads coming your way all day long.

Photo Booth

Thanks to the popularity of Instagram, everyone wants to take photos today. Having a photo booth at your exhibition space will get attendees to come over and take a fun photo. Afterward, they will be more inclined to inquire about your product or service offering.


People would rather watch a product in action than read 5-pages about it. So, have constant demos occurring at your space, making them as lavish as you possibly can. “Put on a show” to get attendees excited about what you are offering.

Social Interaction

Create some kind of contest where you give attendees a prize if they “check-in” to your booth or leave a review on social media. You’ll be getting something in return, and the attendees will be getting something for free.


No one is above a good mascot. If your company has a mascot, like Geico’s gecko, have someone there dressed up and cheering everyone else on. Consider playing some fun music that makes the entire booth feel welcoming and happy!

There’s no way to sugarcoat it — the competition can be stiff at trade shows. If you want to ensure you stand out against the crowd, no matter how many other flashy booths are out there, then follow these 7 creative ideas, go the extra mile, and make a lasting impression.

A Handful of Minor ExhibitDay Enhancements

Based on your collective feedback, over the last few days, we rolled out a handful of minor enhancements.

We hope that these enhancements make for an even more buttery ExhibitDay experience:

Additional Event Travel Fields

The following fields have been added to Event Travel:

  1. Flights: Class/Seat Info
  2. Automobile: Vehicle Type
  3. Train: Cabin/Seat Info
  4. Bus: Seat Info
  5. Hotel and B&B’s: Room Type

Auto-complete for Airport and Airlines

The Airport and Airline fields (under event travel) now have auto-complete for Departure and Return airport/airline fields:

ExhibitDay Event Sponsorship Tracking

Notes about Event Attendees

You can now add notes for each event attendee:

ExhibitDay Event Sponsorship Tracking

We appreciate all your feedback as we continue to work towards making ExhibitDay better, and better, and better…

Track Your Event Sponsorships

Yet Another New ExhibitDay Feature…

We just added the ability to track your event sponsorships in ExhibitDay.

Each event in your ExhibitDay workspace now has a new [Sponsorships] tab. Under the Sponsorships tab, you can enter the descriptions of all your sponsorships for the event (e.g. “Attendee Badge Sponsorship”). Additionally, you can keep notes about your sponsorships and attach sponsorship invoices.

ExhibitDay Event Sponsorship Tracking

Hope you find the new Sponsorship Tracking functionality useful, and, as always, we look forward to all your feedback.

Calendar View of Trade Shows and Exhibits

Exciting News — based on popular demand, we just launched Calendar and DetailView in ExhibitDay

Calendar View

The Calendar View lets you see a list of all your upcoming trade shows and exhibits in calendar format. That simple!

ExhibitDay Calendar View

Detail View

The Detail View is similar to the original “Lite” View. It’s in list format — except, you get to see a lot more details about each event; details like: event attendees, booth reservation status, travel reservations, number of event-specific tasks, etc. So, if you’ve been clicking between events to get a better picture of each event, now you can switch to Detail view and get the overall status of your upcoming events right from the Events page. Hooray!

ExhibitDay Calendar View

Switching Between Views

To switch between List/Detail/Calendar views, use the View Preferences button on the top right corner of the Events page in your ExhibitDay workspace.

ExhibitDay Calendar View

We hope you find ExhibitDay’s new Calendar and Detail Views helpful and we look forward to all your feedback and any other feature request. 

Happy Exhibiting. 

Event Task Management, FTW!

Today, we launched ExhibitDay’s Task Management feature. This release marks a big milestone for ExhibitDay because it allows event teams to collaborate on trade-show-related tasks and get things done. 

Here is how ExhibitDay’s Event Task Management works in a nutshell:

You can create generic or event-specific tasks like: “Find a new vendor for booth displays” or “Order swag for the booth at the CES Conference”. Then, set a due date and assign the task to any team member in your workspace.

The rest is straight forward: The task assignee gets notified about what they have to do; you get notified when the task is complete or when others leave a comment on your task. … and, so on. And, of course, you can control all your task-related notification settings (under the My Profile and Preferences section).

The Task Board

The task board is the main hub for all the tasks across all your team’s events (and, even, generic tasks that may have nothing to do with a specific event). You can track and manage every task in your workspace from the Task Board (including the ability to move a task from one event to another).

ExhibitDay – Task Board

Event-Specific Tasks:

Each event has its own [Tasks] tab. Under the event [Tasks] tab, you’ll find all the tasks related to that event. There, you can manage all the tasks related to the event (just like you would on the Task Board); the only difference is that you won’t be able to move tasks to another Event (you’d have to go to the Task Board to do that).

Event-Specific Tasks

Pro tip: If you are adding a handful of tasks for a specific event, instead of creating them on the Task Board, go to the [Tasks] tab of the event and enter them directly there. This will save you the time it would take to drag the tasks to your event if you were to create them directly on the Task Board.

User Permissions for Task Management:

We get it — Every team has its own way of doing things. So, we added granular control over who can do what when it comes to managing tasks in your workspace. You can limit a team member’s access to Tasks based on these three levels of access:

1) Full Access – the user can view/add/update tasks for anyone on your team.

2) Add/update Access to One’s Own Tasks Only – the user can view (and comment on) all tasks assigned to others on the team; but, they can only add/update tasks assigned to themself.

3) No Access to Tasks – the user has no access to the Task Board or the [Tasks] tab of the events in your workspace

Event-Specific Tasks

Pro Tip: if you want to give a user purely view access to all the tasks in your workspace, add them as a Guest User — they’ll be able to see every task but won’t be able to modify anything (and won’t be able to comment on any task).

We’re totally excited!

We hope you enjoy our new Task Management feature. As always, we look forward to all your feedback.


ExhibitDay is a simple exhibit tracking and trade show collaboration tool that helps you track and manage all your events.

Sign up for a free account at: 
