Trade Show Event Binder

Just released — the ability to create an Event Binder for your trade shows.

From the extended Event menu, you can now create an Event Binder by exporting any event in your ExhibitDay workspace to PDF. Before creating the Event Binder, you choose what information you’d like to include (i.e. Booth Info, Travel Reservations, Event Attendees, etc.).

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account and start tracking your trade shows, exhibits and event sponsorships.

3 New ExhibitDay Features

Just Released — 3 new ExhibitDay features: the ability to duplicate/copy events, the ability to filter your Events List to just the events you ‘re tagged in, and the ability to sort the Task Board by due date.

1) Copying Events

Sometimes it might be easier to “copy/paste” an existing event rather creating a new event in your ExhibitDay workspace. With the new Duplicate/Copy Event feature, you can make a duplicate copy of any event in your workspace. When you create a copy, you choose which properties the event you’d like to carry over to the new copy (i.e. tasks, attendees, budget, etc.).

2) “My Events” Filter

On the main Events page, you now have the ability to filter down the list of events to only the ones that either you created or you’re tagged in (as an attendee, or assignee of a task, or travel reservation, etc.)

3) Sorting Tasks by Due Date

On the main Task Board tab, you can now sort all tasks by due date.

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account and start tracking your trade shows, exhibits and event sponsorships.

Tracking Custom Data for your Trade Shows

Just Released – the ability to customize the fields under the Event [Info] and [Booth] tabs, as well as the ability to create custom fields in your ExhibitDay workspace.

What are Custom Event Fields?

Custom fields can be used to store information about your trade shows that may not necessarily fit the standard event fields in ExhibitDay (e.g. “Projected # of Leads,” “Tips from Prior Year,” “Internal / Cost Center,” etc.).

How to Customize the Event tabs and add custom Fields

As an ExhibitDay Workspace Admin, you can customize Event fields under Workspace Settings link (under the setting menu). You can show or hide any of the event fields. You can also add new custom fields, and change the order in which fields appear (by dragging them up and down).

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account and start tracking your trade shows, exhibits and event sponsorships.

How to Measure ROI for Trade Shows and Exhibits

The new ROI Calculator in ExhibitDay helps you measure the Return on Investment for exhibiting at trade shows and sponsoring events.

How it Works

After entering the actual costs for your event (in the “cost” field for booth reservation, booth services, shipments, sponsorships, travel, etc.), under the [ROI & Analytics] tab of each event in your ExhibitDay workspace, you can enter the Actual and Potential revenue amounts attributable to the event:

As you enter the attributable revenue figures, ExhibitDay automatically calculates the Return on investment for your event in the summary section:

Comparing ROI Across Your Events

You can compare the Return on Investment across all your events for a given year under the [Annual Budgets] link:

Compare Engagement Metrics and ROI Across events

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account and start measuring the return for your investments in trade show exhibits and event sponsorships.

Measuring Cost per Lead and Cost per Impression for Trade Shows and Exhibits

The new Engagement Analytics feature in ExhibitDay helps you track the Cost per Lead and Cost per Impression for exhibiting at trade shows and sponsoring events.

How it Works

After entering the actual costs for your event (in the “cost” field for booth reservation, booth services, shipments, sponsorships, travel, etc.), under the [ROI & Analytics] tab of each event in your ExhibitDay workspace, you can enter the following information:

Trade Show Engagement Metrics

As you enter the event engagement metrics, ExhibitDay automatically calculates the Cost per Lead and Cost per Brand Impression for your event in the summary section:

Trade Show Cost per Lead and Cost Per Impression

Measuring Cost per Lead and Cost per Impression Across all Your Events

You can compare Engagement Metrics across all your events for a given year under the [Annual Budgets] link:

Compare Engagement Metrics and ROI Across events

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account and start measuring the Cost per Lead and Cost per Impression for your investments in trade show exhibits and sponsorships.