ExhibitDay Awarded Badge of 2024 Best Ease-of-Use Productivity Software

We are honored to have been awarded the badge of 2024’s Best Ease of Use in the Productivity Software category by Capterra, a subsidiary of Gartner Digital Markets.

Gartner Digital Markets, the provider of Capterra, Software Advice, and GetApp, evaluates software solutions based on customer reviews in several key areas, including functionality, user experience, customer satisfaction, and overall performance. ExhibitDay emerged as 2024’s top choice for Ease of Use in the Productivity Software category.

This recognition is a testament to ExhibitDay’s user-friendly interface, intuitive features, and robust capabilities.

We are deeply thankful to our users. Many of the features and enhancements in ExhibitDay have been developed based on direct feedback from our customers.

We always welcome your comments and suggestions as we continue to create the best trade show planning platform known to humankind. 🙏🎉🚀

Shipment Components – Specifying Weight and Dimensions

Shipment Components are the individual packages or pieces that collectively make up your shipment, such as boxes, crates, pallets, and containers. Each component has its own weight and dimensions.

You can specify the components for your shipments by clicking on the “Specify Components” link when creating a shipment in ExhibitDay (under the Event Shipments tab).

Specifying Components of a Shipment

Specifying Components for Simple, Single-package Shipments

If your shipment is just a single package (e.g., a box of miscellaneous swag), then your shipment has only one component — the box that’s being shipped. Click the “Specify Components” link and add just one entry — a “Box”. Then, specify its weight and dimensions.

Single-Package Shipment: Specify weight and Dimensions

Specifying Components for Freights and Larger/Multi-package Shipments

For freights and larger shipments that have multiple components (e.g., 2 crates and a pallet), enter each component separately.

Shipment Components - 2 Crates and a Pallet

Changing Units of Measurement for Shipment Component Weight and Dimensions

You can change the units of measurement for shipment weight and dimensions under your Workspace Settings.

Shipment Weight and Dimensions Measurement Units

Tracking Objectives and Measuring Return on Objective (ROO) for Your Events

Event objectives are predefined goals your organization aims to achieve by participating in events. Some examples include: Lead Generation, Sales, Brand Awareness, Customer Retention, Networking, etc.

Tutorial Video (2 mins)
Getting Started With Objectives & ROO

Specifying Objectives for your Events

Objectives for an event are entered under the “Objectives & ROO” section of the event’s “ROI, Objectives & ROO” tab in ExhibitDay.

Add Objectives to your events

Objective Importance and Achievement Rating

You can specify a level of Importance and Achievement Rating for each objective.

Objective Importance

The specified level of importance for an objective is a reflection of its significance to your organization for the event. It also plays a factor in the calculation of the event’s ROO Score:

  • Objectives marked as High importance carry a weight factor of 3x in the calculation of the ROO Score.
  • Objectives marked as Medium importance carry a weight factor of 2x in the calculation of the ROO Score.
  • Objectives marked as Low importance carry a weight factor of 1x in the calculation of the ROO Score.
Event Objective Importance Level
Objective Achievement Rating

The objective Achievement Rating (0-10) reflects your assessment of how well you believe the event objective was met. A rating of 10 indicates that the objective was fully achieved, while a rating of 0 indicates that the objective was not achieved at all. The rating for each objective counts toward the overall event ROO Score.

Note: Unrated objectives (i.e., the ones that have an achievement rating of TBD) don’t count toward the event’s ROO Score.

Event Objective Achievement Rating

The ROO Score

The Return on Objective Score is a metric used to evaluate the success of an event based on how well it meets its predefined objectives. It is a number between 0 and 10, calculated as the weighted average of objective achievement ratings.


Consider an event with the following 4 objectives:

  • Brand Awareness: High importance, achievement rating of 8 (out of 10)
  • Competition Research: Medium importance, achievement rating of 6 (out of 10)
  • Lead Generation: Low importance, achievement rating of 5 (out of 10)
  • Product Launch: Low importance, achievement rating TBD (not specified)

The event’s ROO Score is calculated based on the achievement rating combined with the weight factor of each objective’s level of importance:

  • Brand Awareness (High): 8 x 3 = 24 (out of 30)
  • Competition Research (Medium): 6 x 2 = 12 (out of 20)
  • Lead Generation (Low): 5 x 1 = 5 (out of 10)
  • Product Launch (Low): doesn’t count toward the ROO Score because it’s achievement rating is marked as TBD (not specified).
  ROO Score  =   10  x
Weighted sum of achievement ratings
Weighted sum of maximum possible achievement ratings
  ROO Score  =   10  x
(24 + 12 + 5)
(30 + 20 + 10)
=   6.8
ROO Score Example

Comparing ROO Score across your events

You can compare the ROO Score across all your events in a given year from the “ROO Breakdown” section of the “Exhibits & Sponsorships” tab of the Annual Budgets page.

Compare Event ROO Scores

Adding your own custom objectives

By default, ExhibitDay provides a list of most commonly used event objectives (e.g., Lead Generation, Sales, Brand Awareness, Customer Retention, Networking, etc.).

If the objective you’re looking to track is not listed, you have two options:

  • Option 1: When adding a new objective, simply select “Other” from the objective dropdown list and type in the name of your objective.
  • Option 2: Add a Custom Event Objective to your workspace so that it’s always available as an option in the dropdown.

You can add up to 10 Custom Event Objectives to your ExhibitDay workspace. To add Custom Event Objective, go to Workspace Settings > Workspace Customizations > Configure Event Objectives.

Custom Event Objectives

Custom Asset Fields

Under the ExhibitDay Enterprise plan, you can customize the properties of Capital Assets (like your booth or displays) and Collateral/Multi-quantity Items (like giveaways and swag) by adding Custom Asset Fields. These custom fields can be used to capture relevant data that best support your organization’s inventory management processes.

To add custom fields to the Asset information tab, go to Workspace Settings > Workspace Customizations > Customize Asset Info tab. There, you can add any number of custom fields (e.g. text field, date field, dropdown, file attachment, etc.) to your assets in ExhibitDay. You can also change the order in which the fields appear when you view the Asset Info tab (by grab-and-dragging the handle to right of each field) . Note: any change you make on this page will automatically apply to all of the assets in your ExhibitDay workspace.

Add a custom field to assets