Assets Page View Preferences

You can specify your view preferences for the main Assets page (where you see a list of all your assets in ExhibitDay). To change your view preferences, click the View Preferences button (toward the upper-right corner of the page). There, you can specify which properties of Assets you would like to have displayed on the main Assets page.

Please note that Assets Page View Preferences are user-specific. Changing your View Preferences does not affect the View Preferences of other users in your ExhibitDay workspace.

Assets List View Preferences

Metrics & Analytics

You can view metrics and analytics for your events using the Workspace Metrics & Analytics page. To view the Workspace Metrics & Analytics page, click on the “Metrics & Analytics” link in the dropdown menu of the top navigation bar.

Metrics and Analytics for Trade Shows and Exhibits

Shareable Event Boards

A Shareable Event Board is an automatically generated page that displays a list of events in your workspace based on the predetermined filter criteria that you select.

Each Event Board has a unique URL (web address) that can be used to view the board without having to log into ExhibitDay. You can share this URL with people interested in the events you’re attending, or publish it on your organization’s website to inform your customers about your upcoming shows.

Configuring Event Boards

You can get to the Event Board Management Area from the dropdown menu of the Events tab.

Manage Event Boards

Once you create a board, you can configure it to be filtered down based on various criteria. You can also select the information you would like to have displayed on the board about each event.

Filtering the Board Based on a Value of a Custom Dropdown Field

Under the “Advanced Filtering” section of the “Board Settings” tab, you can configure your event board to be filtered down based on the value of any Custom Dropdown field.

Advanced Filtering

You can add a custom dropdown field to your events and name it “Publish this event to the Event Board?” (with the available options: ‘Yes’ and ‘No’). Then, you can configure your board to be filtered down to events that have the value ‘Yes’ selected for that dropdown.

Previewing the Board

Once you’re done making configuration changes to your event board, you can click the “Preview Board” button to see what your event board looks like when you share its URL with someone or embed it in a web page.

Preview Event Board

Note: If you don’t see a particular event listed on the board, it’s because that event does not match the filter criteria (configured under the Board Settings tab) or it has been excluded from the board (under the Exclusion List tab).

Sharing the Board (outside of ExhibitDay)

You can obtain the board’s shareable URL (unique web address) by clicking the “Share” button.

Share, Embed, Export Event Board

Note: The board’s shareable URL will never change (i.e., the event board is always accessible via this URL). Also, an ExhibitDay account is not required when viewing the event board using this URL. Anyone you share this URL with can view the board without having to log into ExhibitDay.

Embedding the Board on Your Organization’s Website, Blog, or Intranet

You can obtain the HTML markup for embedding the event board on a website from the “Embed Code” tab.

Event Board Embed Code

Note: if you are using the WordPress as your CMS, insert the embed code as a “Custom HTML” block.

Exporting the Board (.csv, JSON, XML)

The board can be exported in 3 formats: .csv (spreadsheet download), JSON, and XML. The unique URLs for exporting the board can be obtained from the “Export URLs” tab.

Export Event Board

Note: An ExhibitDay account is not required for exporting the event board using the export URLs. Anyone you share the export URLs with can export the board without having to log into ExhibitDay.

Changing the Event Board’s Look and Feel (using Custom CSS)

If you would like to change the look and feel of an event board, use the “Custom CSS” field under the “Advanced Settings” tab to override the default styles.

Note: The Custom CSS setting is an advanced/technical setting that requires familiarity with Cascading Style Sheets (a design language used by programmers and web developers).

As an example, if you add the CSS styles below into the “Custom CSS” field, the board’s font size will be smaller, the background color will change to purple, the board name will be purple, and the background color of each event on the board will be light yellow.

#event-board { font-size: 12px; }
.event-item { background-color: lightyellow; }  
#event-board-name { color: purple; }    
body { background-color: pink; }

You can obtain a full list of default styles from following css file (which is referenced when viewing an event board):

Deleting an Event Board

You can delete an event board by clicking the “Delete Board” option under the extended menu of the event board tab strip.

Delete Event Board

Event Board Limitations (for Lower Tier Plans)

While the ExhibitDay Enterprise plan offers unrestricted access to all the features of Sharable Event Boards, the Lite, Professional, and Premium plans come with the following restrictions:

  • Only one Event Board can be created.
  • A maximum of 3 events can be displayed on the board.
  • The board’s advanced settings cannot be modified.

ExhibitDay Awarded Badge of 2023 “Best Ease of Use” in Event Management

We are honored to be awarded the badge of 2023 “Best Ease of Use” in the Event Management Software category by Capterra, a subsidiary Gartner Digital Markets.

Gartner Digital Markets, the provider of Capterra, Software Advice, and GetApp, evaluates software solutions based on customer reviews in several key areas, including functionality, user experience, customer satisfaction, and overall performance. ExhibitDay has emerged as 2023’s top choice for “Ease of Use” in the Event Management software category.

This recognition is a testament to ExhibitDay’s user-friendly interface, intuitive features, and robust capabilities.

We are most thankful to our users. Many of the features and enhancements in ExhibitDay are built based on direct feedback from customers.  As always, we welcome all your comments and feedback as we strive to create the best trade show planning platform known to humankind. 🙏🎉🚀

Announcement Messages on Event Tabs

Available under the ExhibitDay Enterprise plan, event tab announcements are brief messages that you can place at the top of various tabs of a given event. These messages can be used to convey information about the event itself or special instructions for a given tab to users in your ExhibitDay workspace when they view the tab.


  1. You can add an announcement to the top of the “Event Information” tab with the message: “As a Gold sponsor of the event, we get access to meeting rooms A, B, and C during exhibit hall hours.”
  2. You can add an announcement to the “Travel Reservations” tab with the message: “In case of reservation issues or a mix-up, please call the Travel Agency directly — (800) 555-1212”

Adding An Announcement Message

Announcements messages can be added to event tabs from the “Announcements” section of the “Event Settings” tab of a given event.

Add Announcement to Event

Note: Any announcement message that you add to a tab of a particular event appears for that event only; it will not appear for other events in your workspace.

Viewing Announcement Messages on Event Tabs

Once an announcement has been added to an event tab, it will appear at the top of the tab you placed it on. All of the users in your workspace (who have access to that tab) will see the announcement when they visit that particular tab of that particular event.

Travel Announcement Message

When you copy/duplicate an event, all announcement messages for the event will also get copied over to the new event. So, for future events that require the same announcement messages, you can simply make a copy of an event with the desired announcement messages.