Attachment Categories and Downloading All File Attachments for your Events

The file attachments for events just got two new enhancements: Attachment Categories, and the ability to download all attachments at once.

  1. Attachment Categories – Attachments (under the Event [Attachments] tab) are now organized into their corresponding categories.
  2. Download All – You can now download all the attachments for your events at once (in .zip format).

Attachment Categories

File attachments for each event are organized into the following categories:

  • General Attachments – General file attachments that are uploaded directly from each Event’s attachment tab.
  • Event Info Attachments – Attachments from fields under the Event [Info] tab (like Exhibitor Prospectus, Exhibit Hall Floor Plan, etc.)
  • Booth/Booth Service Attachments – i.e. Booth invoices.
  • Travel Attachments – i.e. Hotel/Flight invoices.
  • Shipment Attachments i.e. invoices for Shipments.
  • Sponsorship Attachments – i.e. invoices for Sponsorships.
  • Other/Misc. Expenses Attachments – i.e. invoices for mischievous expenses.
Event File Attachments

Download All File Attachments

Downloading All Attachments for a Given Event:

To download all the attachments for a given event, click on the [Download All] button (under the [Attachments] tab of the event).

Downloading All Attachments for All Events:

To download all file attachments for all your events, go to “Workspace Settings” from the top menu, and click “Export Workspace Data” from the extended menu on the Workspace Settings page; then, click the “Export All Attachments” link.

The ability to attach files is included in the ExhibitDay Professional and Premium plan.

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows and collaborate on tasks with your event team.

Data Export – All Your Trade Shows and Exhibits in Spreadsheet Format

Just Released – Enhanced export functionality to download your event data in ExhibitDay.

How to Export Your Data in ExhibitDay

To Export your data in spreadsheet format, select [Workspace Settings] from the top navigation menu, then select “Export Workspace Data” from the extended menu of the Workspace Settings tab strip.

Trade Shows and Exhibits Export to Spreadsheet

What Can be Exported?

Pretty much every piece of information you have entered about your trade show and exhibits in ExhibitDay can be exported to spreadsheet format (.csv).

Export: All Events

You can Export all the basic information about your events in your ExhibitDay workspace to CSV format. This export includes event names, start/end dates, booth information, and other miscellaneous information about each event.

Sample Export: ExhibitDay_Export_Events.csv

Export: All Event Date Details

This export includes a list of all the events and their date/time details (i.e. booth setup/dismantle dates/times, exhibit hall dates/times, etc.).

Sample Export: ExhibitDay_Export_Event_Date_Details.csv

Export: All Event Booth Services

This export includes a list of all your events and their booth services.

Sample Export: ExhibitDay_Export_Event_BoothServices.csv

ExporT: All Event Attendees

This export includes a list of all your event attendees for each event.

Sample Export: ExhibitDay_Export_Event_Attendees.csv

Export: All Travel Reservations

This export includes all the travel and lodging reservations for your event attendees.

Sample Export: ExhibitDay_Export_Event_Travel_Reservations.csv

Export: All Shipments

This export includes all the shipments associated with your events.

Sample Export: ExhibitDay_Export_Event_Shipments.csv

Export: All Sponsorships

This export includes all the sponsorships for your events.

Sample Export: ExhibitDay_Export_Event_Sponsorships.csv

Export: All Playbook Schedules

This export includes all the scheduled items in your event Playbooks.

Sample Export: ExhibitDay_Export_Event_Playbook_Schedules.csv

Export: Miscellaneous/Other Expenses

This export includes all the Misc/Other Event-Specific Expenses for your events.

Sample Export: ExhibitDay_Export_Event_Misc_Other_Expenses.csv

Export: Tasks

This export includes all the general tasks and event-specific tasks in your ExhibitDay workspace.

How Export Annual Budgets and ROI Calculations for your Events

You can also export the breakdown of budget allocation and ROI calculations for all your events on an annual basis.

The ability to export your data is included in the ExhibitDay Premium plan.

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows and collaborate on tasks with your event team.

Get Email Reminders About Your Upcoming Trade Show Tasks

To help stay on top of your tasks and get everything done on time, we’ve added email reminders for upcoming tasks in ExhibitDay. You can get reminders for your tasks 1, 2 or 3 days prior to their due dates.

How to Configure Your Trade Show Task Email Reminders

To configure your task reminder preferences, click on the top menu, then click [My Profile & Preferences]. From the [Email Preferences] tab, select [Update My Task Management Email Notification Preferences].

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to stay on top your all the tasks for your trade shows and Collaborate with your Event Team to get things done.

ExhibitDay – Official Launch

Today, ExhibitDay’s Beta program ended and officially launched as a trade show management and collaboration tool for trade show managers, exhibitors and event teams.

Press Release:

Download the full Press Release (.docx)

In the upcoming months, we plan to focus efforts on developing new features and increasing integrations with third-party tools.

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account and start planning your trade shows and exhibits.

Annual Budgets and ROI Calculations for Your Trade Shows in Spreadsheet Format

You can now Export the Annual Budgets, Analytics and ROI Metrics for your trade shows to Excel (.xlsx spreadsheet format).

How To Export Budgets and ROI Metrics to Spreadsheet

Click on the Annual Budgets (all events) link in your ExhibitDay Workspace. Then, click the [Export to Excel] button under the [Allocation Breakdown] and [Analytics & ROI Breakdown] tabs to export to .xlsx format.

Example Spreadsheet Exports

Sign up for an ExhibitDay account and start tracking the budgets for your trade shows and exhibits.