Tracking Event-Specific Miscellaneous Expenses and Credits

Miscellaneous expenses (e.g. iPad giveaway, or Membership fees) and credits (e.g. partial booth service refund) for an event can be tracked under the [Misc. Expenses & Credits] tab of an event; this tab can be accessed via the extended menu on the event page tab strip.

Tracking Misc. Expenses and Credits for Trade Shows

Expenses entered under this tab will count towards the total actual costs of the Misc. Expenses line-item in the event-specific budget. Credit entries will show as negative amounts and will count against the total actual expenses for the event.

Sign up for a free ExhibitDay account to plan your trade shows, and manage budgets, engagements analytics & ROI for your events.

Track Your Trade Show Annual Budget Based on Fiscal Year

Just launched — new ExhibitDay feature to track annual costs and budgets for your trade shows and sponsorships based on your Organization’s Fiscal Year in.

Setting up your Fiscal Year

You can now define your organization’s Fiscal Year under your Workspace Settings in ExhibitDay. Once you switch your budgeting basis from Calendar Year to Fiscal Year, the date range for all your annual budgets in ExhibitDay will automatically adjust to the Fiscal Year start date you choose.

Trade Show Budgets based on Fiscal Year

When you use a Fiscal Year as your Budgeting basis, the date range for your Fiscal Year is displayed on the Annual Budgets page as well as the Event-Specific budget allocation tab in each event.

Sign up for an ExhibitDay account and start tracking the budgets for your trade shows and exhibits.